华中光电技术研究所 — 武汉光电国家研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430223
光栅外腔半导体激光器在冷原子精密操控等领域具有重要的应用价值。根据87Rb冷原子干涉仪干涉过程的应用需求, 利用光学锁相环技术, 重点开展了自制体布拉格光栅100 kHz外腔种子源的调谐和拍频锁频特性实验研究。进行了电流和温度调谐实验, 种子源输出激光频率的电流调谐系数和温度调谐系数分别为400 MHz/mA和16 GHz/℃; 实现了自制种子源激光频率的拍频锁定, 锁定后种子源的激光频率变化小于500 kHz(峰峰值, 10 s), 12 h功率稳定性优于0.1%(rms), 可满足87Rb冷原子干涉仪各物理过程, 特别是干涉过程的应用需求。
窄线宽激光器 冷原子 外腔激光器 体布拉格光栅 拍频 narrow-linewidth lasers cold atoms external cavity lasers volume Bragg grating frequency-beat 
2023, 21(5): 61
1 合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽 合肥 230601
2 智能互联系统安徽省实验室,安徽 合肥 230601
针对阴影造成的低光照、低对比度和高噪声等问题,为提高阴影下目标的检测、识别精度,借鉴生物偏振视觉机理,在偏振距离理论及算法的基础上,提出一种与“色调-饱和度-强度”颜色空间(HSI color space)融合的偏振距离强度(PDI)模型。该模型利用偏振角信息作为估算方式设定阈值范围,将偏振距离信息与原始光强信息融合为新的强度通道,并与原始色调及饱和度信息融合,最终获取PDI模型映射结果。搭建实测实验装置,并开展4组对比实验。结果表明,与其他3种现有目标增强算法相比,所提算法在灰度对比度、信杂比和Fish距离指标上均取得显著提升,能够使阴影下目标与背景间的差异得到明显提高。
图像处理 偏振成像 阴影 偏振距离 目标增强 图像融合 
2023, 60(12): 1210024
有源光电子器件 封装结构 光纤耦合 封接 可靠性 active optoelectronic device packaging structure fiber coupling sealing reliability 
2022, 42(3): 222
Author Affiliations
1 Department of Applied Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Albanova University Centre, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
2 e-mail:
3 e-mail:
Since the discovery of topological insulators, topological phases have generated considerable attention across the physics community. The superlattices in particular offer a rich system with several degrees of freedom to explore a variety of topological characteristics and control the localization of states. Albeit their importance, characterizing topological invariants in superlattices consisting of a multi-band structure is challenging beyond the basic case of two-bands as in the Su–Schreifer–Heeger model. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the direct measurement of the topological character of chiral superlattices with broken inversion symmetry. Using a CMOS-compatible nanophotonic chip, we probe the state evolving in the system along the propagation direction using novel nanoscattering structures. We employ a two-waveguide bulk excitation scheme to the superlattice, enabling the identification of topological zero-energy modes through measuring the beam displacement. Our measurements reveal quantized beam displacement corresponding to 0.088 and -0.245, in the cases of trivial and nontrivial photonic superlattices, respectively, showing good agreement with the theoretical values of 0 and -0.25. Our results provide direct identification of the quantized topological numbers in superlattices using a single-shot approach, paving the way for direct measurements of topological invariants in complex photonic structures using tailored excitations with Wannier functions.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(12): 2901
1 福州大学材料科学与工程学院, 福建 福州 350108
2 福州大学生物科学与工程学院, 福建 福州 350108
上转换纳米粒子(UCNPs)因其具有强生物穿透性、 大斯托克位移、 良好的光稳定性和生物相容性等优点而被广泛应用于生物医药分析领域。 通过聚丙烯酸(PAA)对油酸(OA)配体的上转换纳米粒子(OA-UCNPs)进行表面改性得到亲水性纳米粒子 PAA-UCNPs, 再通过酰胺化反应将适配体(Apt)共价偶联到PAA-UCNPs表面得到Apt-UCNPs并将其作为能量供体, 以黑洞猝灭剂(BHQ1)作为能量受体, 构建了一种基于荧光共振能量转移特异性检测磺胺二甲氧嘧啶(SDM)的方法。 通过红外光谱(FTIR)及扫描电镜(SEM)对OA-UCNPs、 PAA以及PAA-UCNPs的结构和性能进行了表征。 从红外光谱中可以看出, 相比较于OA-UCNPs, PAA-UCNPs于1 722 cm-1处出现了新峰, 可能为PAA的-C=O伸缩振动峰, 且在3 400 cm-1附近存在的宽带可能归因于PAA中O—H伸缩振动; 从扫描电镜实验结果可以看出, PAA修饰前分散在环己烷中的OA-UCNPs尺寸约为31 nm, 而PAA修饰后分散在水溶液中的UCNPs直径约为49 nm。 分析认为长链的PAA分子体积比油酸分子大, 因此包覆在UCNPs表面会使其尺寸增加, 以上结果均表明PAA可能已被修饰到UCNPs表面。 通过紫外可见光谱对Apt-UCNPs、 Apt及PAA-UCNPs的结构进行了表征。 结果发现相对于PAA-UCNPs, Apt-UCNPs的紫外吸收光谱在260 nm处出现了较明显的Apt特征吸收峰, 这表明适配体可能已被修饰到UCNPs表面。 对Apt-UCNPs用于检测SDM的机理进行了初步探讨, 结果发现Apt-UCNPs在540 nm的发射峰与BHQ1的吸收峰发生重叠, 表明Apt-UCNPs上的能量可通过共振能量转移效应转移到BHQ1使得Apt-UCNPs的荧光被猝灭。 对猝灭剂BHQ1的浓度进行了优化, 结果表明当BHQ1浓度为15 μmol·L-1时, 荧光猝灭效率为55%。 在最佳实验条件下, 相对荧光强度与SDM浓度(150~1 000 ng·mL-1)之间具有良好的线性关系, 选取与SDM 结构相似的磺胺吡啶和磺胺醋酰作对照实验, 发现尽管磺胺吡啶和磺胺醋酰的浓度达到了 500 ng·mL-1, 但其检测体系中相较于加入SDM后的荧光强度恢复程度仍然较低, 这说明该检测方法可对SDM有特异性识别作用。
上转换纳米粒子 磺胺二甲氧嘧啶 适配体 Up-conversion nanoparticles Sulfadimethoxine Aptamer 
2022, 42(11): 3409
Author Affiliations
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Artificially-Structured Functional Materials and Devices, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China
An ultrawideband, polarization-insensitive, metamaterial absorber for oblique angle of incidence is presented using characteristic mode analysis. The absorber consists of conductive meander square loops and symmetric bent metallic strips, which are embedded with lumped resistors. With the aid of modal currents and modal weighting coefficients, the positions of the lumped resistors are determined. After that, the equivalent circuit (EC) model and admittance formula are proposed and analyzed to further understand the working principle and ultrawide bandwidth. The proposed absorber measures an absorption bandwidth of 4.3–26.5 GHz (144.1% in fractional bandwidth) for 90% absorptivity under normal incidence. At the oblique angle of incidence of 45°, the bandwidth of 90% absorptivity is still 5.1–21.3 GHz (122.72%) for transverse electric (TE) polarization, and 6.8–29.5 GHz (125.07%) for transverse magnetic (TM) polarization. The good agreement among simulation, measurement, and EC calculation demonstrates the validity of the proposed method and indicates that the method can be applied to other microwave and optical frequency bands. The proposed metamaterial absorber can be widely applied in electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic interference, radar stealth, and biomedical detection.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(12): 2751
程前 1,2高欣健 1,*高隽 1,2王昕 1,2[ ... ]严圆 1,2
1 合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽 合肥 230009
2 合肥工业大学图像信息处理研究室,安徽 合肥 230009

大气偏振模式 偏振信息重构 邻域特征推理 子午线角度损失 深度学习 atmospheric polarization mode polarization information reconstruction neighborhood feature reasoning solar meridian feature constraint meridian angle loss deep learning 
2022, 49(6): 210423
西安理工大学材料科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710048
针对铜/不锈钢异种材料激光焊接过程中的物理性能差异较大、冶金相容性较差等问题,利用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱仪,结合拉伸、硬度等试验研究了不同光束偏移量对焊接接头组织及性能的影响。结果表明:焊缝在金属蒸发作用力及马兰戈尼对流效应的共同影响下呈半沙漏状形貌;光束偏向铜侧时,焊缝由于液相分离导致富铁相弥散分布,造成焊缝成分和硬度分布不均匀,熔覆金属中铜的含量较多使得接头强度较低;光束偏向钢侧时焊缝组织为奥氏体和富铜相,焊接接头的强度较高,抗拉强度最高可达240 MPa,与铜母材相当;当光束偏移量为-0.4 mm时,可得到综合性能最优的焊接接头。
激光技术 激光焊接 铜/钢复合结构 光束偏移 微观组织 力学性能 
2022, 59(13): 1316001
Hao Tang 1,2†Tian-Yu Wang 1,2†Zi-Yu Shi 1,2Zhen Feng 1,2[ ... ]Xian-Min Jin 1,2,3,*
Author Affiliations
1 Center for Integrated Quantum Information Technologies (IQIT), School of Physics and Astronomy, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2 Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
3 TuringQ Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200240, China
Dynamic localization, which originates from the phenomena of particle evolution suppression under an externally applied AC electric field, has been simulated by suppressed light evolution in periodically curved photonic arrays. However, experimental studies on their quantitative dynamic transport properties and application for quantum information processing are rare. Here we fabricate one-dimensional and hexagonal two-dimensional arrays both with sinusoidal curvatures. We successfully observe the suppressed single-photon evolution patterns, and for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, measure the variances to study their transport properties. For one-dimensional arrays, the measured variances match both the analytical electric-field calculation and the quantum walk Hamiltonian engineering approach. For hexagonal arrays as anisotropic effective couplings in four directions are mutually dependent, the analytical approach suffers, whereas quantum walk conveniently incorporates all anisotropic coupling coefficients in the Hamiltonian and solves its exponential as a whole, yielding consistent variances with our experimental results. Furthermore, we implement a nearly complete localization to show that it can preserve both the initial injection and the wave packet after some evolution, acting as a memory of a flexible time scale in integrated photonics. We demonstrate a useful quantum simulation of dynamic localization for studying their anisotropic transport properties and a promising application of dynamic localization as a building block for quantum information processing in integrated photonics.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(6): 06001430
1 合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院,安徽 合肥 230009
2 北京机电工程研究所,北京 100074
光信息在散射介质中传播时会发生散射现象,从而导致其强度和偏振信息发生变化。利用出射光的偏振状态可以间接表征散射介质的退偏特性,并对散射介质进行分类和识别。理论上穆勒矩阵( Mueller Matrix, MM)可以描述散射介质的全部偏振属性,对分析散射介质的退偏特性起到至关重要的作用,但是MM参数过多,较为复杂。然而,根据MM推导所得到的偏振纯度指数(Index of Polarization Purities,IPPs)结构简单,并可以更为直接的描述散射介质的退偏特性。IPPs由 ${P_1}$${P_2}$${P_3}$组成,代表退偏系统等效分解成的四个非退偏纯系统之间的权重差异。以 ${P_1}$${P_2}$, ${P_3}$为坐标轴可构建出纯度空间,纯度空间中不同的点代表不同的退偏系统,利用纯度空间可以对不同的退偏系统进行分辨。相比较于传统偏振表征指标,IPPs可以表征散射介质及目标更多维度的信息。近年来,IPPs在生物医学和目标检测等诸多方面的研究取得了重要的研究成果。文章主要介绍了IPPs的理论,综述并讨论了其在分析不同分散体系的退偏特性、生物组织成像、医学监测和目标识别等方面的研究进展。
偏振信息 偏振纯度指数 成像 目标识别 polarization information index of polarization purities (IPPs) imaging target recognition 
2022, 51(3): 20210373

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